GoLakes Travel John Muir award
So the GoLakes Travel team all had a fab time discovering the many different ways to explore our beautiful county without a car. We all found different ways of ‘driving less and seeing more’ depending on our interests and which members of our respective families accompanied us – a walk up Hallin fell for a three year old can be quite an adventure!
As a group GoLakes Travel aimed to complete a total of 1000 ‘leisure’ miles within Cumbria using sustainable transport. The miles were a mix of people-powered transport (walk, run, cycle, swim and paddle) and public transport (bus, rail, ferry and boat services).
We decided to use the experience to discover the ‘good and bad’ of sustainable transport, inspire others to undertake leisure journeys using sustainable transport and use experiences to inform our work on the GoLakes Travel schemes.
We wanted to discover and show that a journey by sustainable travel can be an integral part of leisure trips and enhance our enjoyment of wild places.
We’ve put our journeys on a Pinterest map to share with you our experiences and hopefully inspire you to try out your own car free adventures. We’d love to hear how you get on! uk.pinterest.com/SeeMoreLakes/the-golakes-travel-1000-mile-challenge/
We’ve really enjoyed taking part in the John Muir Award and it has encouraged us to go out and discover more about our beautiful area, and try things that we wouldn’t otherwise have done, whilst saving carbon. If you are interested in completing your own John Muir Award visit http://www.lakedistrict.gov.uk/learning/johnmuiraward to find out more.
For more ideas and inspiration for sustainable days out visit http://www.golakestravel.co.uk